Born in Chicago in 1934, Eddie Harris gained popular success for his 1961 jazz adaptation of Ernest Gold’s theme to the feature motion picture Exodus, for which he became the first jazz musician to release a gold-selling record, the acclaimed Exodus To Jazz. Strongly criticized by purists for his commercially successful take on jazz he responded with a series of albums that crowned him the king of electric Varitone sax the most important of which was 1967’s The Electrifying Eddie Harris. This LP presents a series of film themes revisited by this genius of pop jazz which include the above mentioned “Exodus” and some immortal flick tunes like “Moon River”, “Spartacus” and “Gone With The Wind”.

Track Listing
1. Exodus
2. Green Dolphin Street
3. Moon River
4. Pocket Full Of Miracles
5. Spartacus
6. Never On Sunday
7. Lawrence Of Arabia
8. Tonight
9. Laura
10. El Cid
11. Gone With The Wind

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