Shipping charges are a separate charge on your credit card. We do not process charges against your credit card for the order or its shipping until we have pulled the order and confirmed the shipping cost. Please contact us with your Order Number if you desire a shipping method other than the default (see below).

The default method of shipping orders is Canada Post Expedited, the least expensive method of shipping parcels within and from Canada. Other methods are available upon request. We charge customers exactly what the shipping service charges (there are no markups or hidden charges for "handling").

All parcel shipping companies use volumetric shipping charges. Volumetric means that for a given size box, there is a minimum charge to ship to a destination, even if the box is empty. This minimum charge includes weight up to a limit for the size of box (for our small LP boxes, that equals about three LPs - up to 1.7 kg, including the box and materials) and includes insurance for the first $100 of value (we use our replacement cost, not the retail cost). Additional charges for weight over the initial volumetric weight are then applied. The additional charges for weight are a fraction of the cost to ship the box up to the initial volumetric weight. Therefore, it is always a better shipping value to ship more items rather than ship multiple boxes to the same destination (hint - consolidate your purchases into one shipment, if possible). Additional charges for each $100 of value above the inital $100 of value are also applied by Canada Post. At this time, they are about $2.75 for each $100 on a domestic shipment.

General Shipping Charges for Standard LP Box not exceeding volumetric weight and values
Within Canada: Approximately $10 to $25, depending on distance from the shipping origin of Dundas, Ontario. Delivery times range from 1 to 6 business days, again depending on the distance from the origin.

To United States: Approximately $20 to $30, depending on distance from the shipping origin of Dundas, Ontario. Delivery times are not guaranteed but generally are 7 to 10 business days.

To Other Intarnational Destinations: There is another option for international customers that is uninsured and non-traceable, costing around $10 to $15, a significant savings over Expedited shipping charges. However, the customer takes full responsibility for any loss due to non-delivery or damage. Shipping times are not guaranteed. Expedited service to international destinations is traceable and insurable. The charges are usually around $40, but again delivery time is not guaranteed. All international shipments take a minimum of 4 to 6 weeks.

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